Homemade or balanced food?

Dogs and cats need a complete and balanced diet to grow properly and stay healthy as adults. 

Good quality balanced food is formulated by experts in animal nutrition, which guarantees a sufficient and balanced supply of all the vital nutrients for the organism of these pets.

Homemade diet should be carefully assembled by a veterinarian with precise knowledge not only of the nutritional requirements of dogs or cats at each stage of life but also of the nutrient content of each of the raw materials used for the prescription of the homemade diet. The use of raw or undercooked meat in the preparation of homemade diet implies a health risk not only for the pet but also for the owners.

Leftovers … in the trash

Don’t feed your pet with the leftovers of your food, give them only good quality balanced food. Otherwise, you will not give them a complete or balanced diet, and you run the risk of promoting a state of overweight, or giving them food that is safe for human consumption, but that can be harmful for a dog or cat (onion, garlic, chocolate , among others). 

A food for every need

The energy and nutritional requirements of dogs and cats are different, depending on their growth stage, physiological stage and level of physical activity, among other factors. Consultation with a veterinarian is very important to know these needs and indicate which is the most appropriate diet, and in what quantity, for each particular case.

From what age can a puppy start eating dry balanced food?

After 45 days of age, puppies are able to be fed only with a dry balanced food for puppies since it is formulated with the necessary nutrients to fully cover the energy and nutritional requirements of the growth stage.

How many times a day should I feed my puppy?

The stomach of growing dogs has little capacity to hold food. In addition, when they are puppies they tend to be very gluttonous and tend to eat quickly and greedily. To prevent possible digestive disorders due to overloading of the stomach, it is convenient to divide your puppy’s daily ration into 3 to 4 servings.

At what age should my puppy start eating adult dog food?

It depends on their body size. The duration of the growth stage in the dog is directly proportional to its size. While puppies of small breeds (less than 10 kg in weight) reach adulthood at 10 months of age, those of large and giant breeds (more than 30 kg in weight) only reach it at 18 months of age. 

Can I feed an adult dog with balanced food for puppies?

The energy, protein, fat, vitamin and mineral requirements are lower in a maintenance adult dog than in a puppy. Except in the case of a pregnant or lactating female dog, or a working or sport dog with a high level of daily physical activity. If you feed an adult dog in maintenance with balanced for puppies you can promote a state of overweight.

How should I feed my female dog or cat during her pregnancy or lactation?

Gestation and lactation of the female dog or cat are two of the physiological stages that demand the most energy and nutritional requirements. To adequately meet these needs, it is convenient to feed them at this stage with a good quality balanced food formulated for puppies / kittens as it provides more protein, energy, vitamins and minerals than the adult line.

What are omegas 3 and 6 that balanced food provide?

Omega 3 and 6 are a type of oil that perform very important functions in maintaining the health of dogs and cats. They are essential nutrients for the body because they cannot produce them on their own in sufficient quantity to fulfill their vital functions and the only way to have them is by incorporating them into the diet with a good balanced food.

Is it good for my pet to abruptly switch from one food to another?

No, the ideal is to respect a gradual transition period of about 5 to 7 days between one brand of balanced food and another. During that time, the new food should be gradually introduced, in such a way that each day its presence increases by 20 to 25% of the total ration. This helps the intestinal microflora to get used to the ingredients of the new balance.

Should I give my dog ​​bones?

If your dog eats a good quality balanced food, he doesn’t need to receive any other nutritional intake to stay healthy. Some bones, such as chicken bones, can break into splinters when biting into them with the risk of getting stuck in some part of the digestive system. If you give your dog a lot of bones, it is likely that his stool becomes too dry and can cause discomfort, even injury, to defecate.

Is is necessary for my kitten to drink milk?

Good quality balanced food formulated for kittens contains all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that a growing cat needs for healthy development. As they grow, their ability to properly digest milk sugars (lactose) decreases, so their ingestion can cause gastrointestinal disorders such as flatulence and diarrhea.