Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Your cat’s pancreas has two main functions: it produces enzymes to help digest food, and it secretes insulin to help regulate blood sugar levels. When the pancreas is inflamed, these two main jobs are inhibited and the enzymes that are supposed to digest food actually start to attack the pancreas and can cause significant damage.

This disease is very serious and can be life threatening. It can also cause lifelong complications from later illness. In fact, pancreatitis often occurs at the same time as other diseases such as diabetes, liver lipidosis, and inflammatory bowel disease in cats. In some cats, recurrent episodes of pancreatitis (i.e. chronic pancreatitis) can also occur.

How can I know if my cat has pancreatitis

Common symptoms are poor appetite and lethargy; in more severe cases, vomiting and diarrhea may occur. If any of these symptoms appear, it is advisable to go to the vet. Unfortunately, the cause of pancreatitis in cats is largely unknown, which means that prevention is difficult to identify.

What can I do?

Finding a diet for your cat with pancreatitis may take some trial and error. At this time, an ideal dietary option for cats with pancreatitis has not been determined.

Unlike dogs in which a low-fat diet is recommended, high-fat foods are not usually involved in the development of pancreatitis in cats.

But, if your cat has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, there are a few different options that can be considered.